you managed to rip off the matrix and kung fu hustle all in the style of pucca.
you managed to rip off the matrix and kung fu hustle all in the style of pucca.
dispite ninja gaiden being a XBOX creation not a nintendo creation. yeah, i enjoyed this
i enjoyed it, but it's nothing new.
the song i enjoyed was soldier side by system of a down.
the song that annoyed me was down with the scikness by disterbed because that song is SO overated, i have 3 of their albums if you want to get some desent disterbed songs get the believe album
its good
but it isn't as good as the naruto fanflashes
you have brillent one-liners
its actually amazing how many you have, are they just on the spot or do you have time to think about them?
is spookie castle a cd or game? i wasn't quite sure. if it was on a game then what consol is it for?
you could tell it is one of your ealry pieces of work. but the plots are still good so it doesn't matter how good the detali is
the main thing i stuggled with was this beckkie (i can't spell i'm dis....dis....a bad speller) charicter, and why does she look like she's a member of the akautski?
becouse beckie is my friend in real life and she likes naruto.......and later she get a power that makes her a ninja thomas who didnt apear yet gets the power of a mage but he steals ppls guns thats why u see him with 1 and i have the ability to draw thing to make them real thats why u see me drawing im purple by the way and chris basicly can control other people by splitting his mind or somthing like that
something my friend would have made
its so bad it's funny
the best
i loved the fame ninja gaiden, and i got you to the domon ladie withoug a guide. this flashis one of your best works ever! i loved this! its a shame you didn't make a new easter egg though. but the detail on this one were better. well done
Musician and artist
Joined on 3/18/06